
1. Visit our Shopify app page here and click "add app".

Once the app is installed, you will need to do the following:

For Shopify 2.0 Themes:
2. In Shopify navigate to Sales Channels > Online Store > Themes
3. For your currently active theme, click 'Customize'
Next: product page install
4. From the middle, top dropdown select 'Product' and then 'Default Product'
5. Add LensAdvisor to into the in the left hand panel by clicking the '+ Add Block'. (Most stores add this under the 'Apps' section, but it can be anywhere on the page.)
6. Select 'LensAdvisor' from the apps tab
7. Click 'Save' at the top right
Next: cart page install
8. From the middle top dropdown select 'Cart'
9. In the left hand panel, under click '+ Add Section'
10. Select 'LensAdvisor' from the apps tab
11. Click 'Save' at the top right

Install App Extension


For Shopify 1.0 Themes:
2. Please manually install LensAdvisor following the FAQ guide below.

The Problem

"Processing the orders manually took so much time that I simply couldn't scale." It's 2019. Ming, one of our co-founders and owner of Rocket Eyewear, has just hit his first million in e-commerce sales. He's projecting a significant increase in profit for 2020...ifhe can scale his prescription lenses sales for the higher demand. But as it was, it was impossible to keep processing prescriptions manually- there were too many emails and too long of a lead time. Poor feedback was common, since people hated waiting weeks for their prescription to clear and their glasses shipped.

Enter: LensAdvizor.